Archive for Jon Evans

Making a VMWare Lubuntu 14.04 Image with Tools

Well, it all started when I wanted – no, needed – to install Adblock Plus in Chrome on my old Lubuntu 11 virtual machine. Ah, Adblock won’t install on a Chrome that old. Ah, Chrome won’t upgrade on an OS that old ! Oh well, time to try the latest Lubuntu 14.04. No VMWare image was available and I need VMTools so as to move data twixt Lubuntu and the Windows Host. [Cracks knuckles] OK, time to get busy and make a new image.

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Simple WordPress Facebook Buttons

This’ll only take 5 minutes won’t it, two minutes to locate the best plugin, one minute to install and test it, and of course a couple of minutes blabbing about it on my facebook page showing just how jolly clever I must be, right ?

Wrong ! In the end I had to implement it myself and this is how I did it.

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Hosting VLC Player in .NET Winforms – Part 4


Previously, in parts 1, 2 and 3, we’ve shown how to get to the stage where you can basically play and pause a media file using VLC, displaying the video on a panel on your own form. However, we need to do more: Read more

Hosting VLC Player in .NET Winforms – Part 3

Building A Player

Previously, in part 2, we covered the basic mechanics of accessing VLCs DLLs and creating the objects we need to make our own media player based on VLC.

If you’ve been reading thus far, you’ll have created three IntPtr handles :

  • A “session handle” to the DLL itself (hDllSession).
  • A media handle for the file we wish to play (lets call it hMedia)
  • A player handle in which to play the media (lets call it hPlayer)

I’m guessing you’ll want to play the media in its own window placed somewhere on a form. So Read more

Hosting VLC Player in .NET Winforms – Part 2

The Building Blocks

Previously, in Part 1, we covered the basic mechanics of accessing the VLC DLLs. Next, we just need to step back and get an overview of what we are going to do with the DLL. Read more