Bad Web Design Practices #1

… Or How To Save A Fortune On Website Development.

There seems to be a new craze among website designs that really seems to have kicked in over the last 12 months. If you too choose to do this on your website then here is a tip that will save you a lot of time and money.

The “craze” is those popups that spring out at you when you visit a webpage, hey, why not give us your email address to get xyz, or buy this book, or …” and so on.

Well, guess what? An awful lot of people are simply going to close the browser window and go elsewhere. So save yourself time and money and don’t bother having a website – nobody is gonna be reading it anyway.

OK, if you are YouTube, or Amazon, or a site where people go to for a specific reason then you can get away with it. But for websites where the majority of visitors arrive via a google search or idly following a link from an interesting article then trust me, they won’t be staying on your site for very long.

And far worse – you’ll almost certainly ruin site accessibility, be that a partially sighted or otherwise impaired user who will struggle to get rid of your popup or simply someone using the keyboard for navigation (like me when the only other option is the barely usable touchpad on his notebook!).

Just don’t, OK ?

Idiot 1 – I got my answers somewhere else !

Idiot 2 – Oh, you PROMISE no span ? Oh go on then, I will give you my email address. Moron !

Idiot 3 – no thanks, plenty of such information on other websites. Bye !

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