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Front view [21K]On/off plus volumeBrightnessRadio TuningRadio / TV Switch17-Inch CRT MW31-16 CRTAdditional Cyldon Band I/III TunerVolume/On/Off + Briteness Controls

  • Released July 1958.
  • 13 Channel Band I / III with Band II V.H.F. Radio
  • 17" Screen with 15KV E.H.T (AW43-80).
  • 13 Valves (+ a few in the radio)
  • AC/DC mains
  • Original Cost £53 16s 9d

If you bought a telly in 1958 then it'd almost certainly look identical to this, a slightly rounded rectangular box with minimum controls at the front . Just like a modern car, remove the badge and you'd have no idea who made it. However, this one is a Ferguson badge on a Thorn manufactured chassis and has twice the normal number of controls at the front due to also including a V.H.F. radio.

One of the PCBs [23K] The majority of the circuitry is mounted on two vertical printed circuit boards although there are no clips to hold the valves in place.

The count of 13 valves initially seems a bit small, but six of these are two valves in one envelope, so thats effectively 19 valve elements. Add to that a quantity of s*m*c*nd*ct*r diodes and I'd expect plenty of modern features, such as flywheel synch .. ah, nope, hasn't got that. Or even use differentiation for the frame timebase synch. Ah, not got that either.

Suppliers Label [8K]
Supplier's lable pinned to TV back


SERVICE DATA There is a copy of the "Trader" service sheet 1382/T163 on the Vintage Television Service Data CDROM.
CURRENT STATE Nice and shiney though the finish shows heat cracks, and works too. owever the set uses an odd power connector which I don't have.
WHERE FOUND From a chap at the December 2002 B.V.W.S. bash at Wooton Bassett for £20.
Rear View 31K Side panel controls [11K]
Super-clean chassis Controls hidden in recessed
panel on the right of the set.


Page copyright ©
J.Evans 2002-2003
Last updated
15th February 2003